Tips To Keep Your Children Safe While Online
/The online world is not secure as we hope it will be as parents. Growing up, your children are going to experience a lot of activity with the online world, so here are some tips to keep your child safe online.
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Monitor Their Activity
What they look for online and the websites they spend their time on, can be monitored. As much as we’d like to give our children so privacy, you have responsibilities to ensure you’re looking after their safety. You can sign up here to get the best advice on how to monitor your children’s internet usage but in a way that’s not going to be obvious nor embarrassing for your child. By monitoring their activity, you can help keep a watchful and close eye. It’s important to do so because there are a lot of dangers out there when it comes to the web.
Keep The Internet Within A Communal Environment
Keeping the internet within viewpoint can sometimes be difficult when you’ve given your children phones or iPads that they can take to their rooms. However, in terms of electronic devices, it might be handy just having the one device that can remain in a communal environment like a dining or living room. That way, even if you’re not intentionally looking, you can glance past and see what they’re getting up to. As much as it might feel like an invasive way of watching your children, it’s something that your children will easily become unaware of as they start their online browsing.
Block Certain Websites
As technology advances and we as humans become reliant on it more and more, there’s now so much more that you can do in the way of monitoring your online portal and having control over what you and your household will see. One way to make sure your children don’t see the dark or dangerous areas of the web are to block sites that you know to be inappropriate. By blocking these sites, you know and will have peace of mind that it’s not something that they’ll be able to access by accident or by intention. When you decide to unblock these sites is up to you, but it’s good to know you’ll have at least some control over it for the time being.
Be Strict With Social Media Sites
There are a lot of us on social media nowadays and it’s a great way of keeping connected. Whether that’s with friends, colleagues or family, it can be positive in so many ways. However, there are negative sides and some can be toxic for a young person growing up. So a good way to battle this is by being strict with social media sites and not letting them on these sites until they’re at the right age to use them.
Keeping your children safe online can be difficult, but use these tips to help protect your children and for them to have a healthier relationship with the internet.
Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.