How to Resolve the Issue of kindle Paperwhite Frozen Screen

Are you an avid book reader and are looking for ways to read your favorite book? Well, what is the best way than to have read your book and not be looking for a place to store it? Can that happen?

Yes, you absolutely can. With Kindle, you can read hundreds of books, and you do not have to spend any more time looking for space to store them. Also, with kindle, you can easily browse the content online. You can search and lookup for your favorite thing as some models of kindle are going to work as a tablet.

Reason why kindle Paperwhite fire frozen on Lock Screen?

First we need to know about the reasons why kindle paperwhite freeze on lock screen. Here are the possible reasons.

1) Low Battery on Device – The very first common reason why kindle paperwhite freeze is low bettery on your device. Kindle works on high power or consume more power to work smoothly. If you device has low battery then there might be changes that it will be frozen.

2) Multiple Processes running in Device- Another reason might be slowing down or freezing your kindle paperwhite if you have been running number of application in background or in similar time.

Also there are high chances that operating system performing multi-threaded operations at the same time.

3) Downloaded Corrupted ebook – Sometime without knowing, you may download the corrupted files or ebook. Operating system does not load it properly and freeze it unexpectedly

When using the kindle for a longer period of time, you may experience a kindle paperwhite frozen screen. There are many reasons why that might have been happening. There could be some reasons such as when you are using the kindle for a long period of time, then you can experience various issues.

There are at times when rebooting the kindle is going to help you resolve the issue. But that is not going to work at all the. When you see that my kindle is frozen, there are certain steps that you need to take in order to resolve the issue.

You have come to the right place and we are going to help you resolve this issue. There may be some times where you are experiencing a slow response. This is where the kindle will start to freeze slowly.

The kindle is a sophisticated device that has a very small amount of memory. When you are running multiple apps of this device, then there are various issues that might get in your way.

Let us look at the steps through which you will be able to resolve the issue of Kindle Paperwhite fire frozen on Lock Screen:

Rebooting the kindle:

Restarting the Kindle is very easy and can be easily completed when you follow simple steps. This is a method that is applied to all the Kindle models. It does not matter whether you are using the oasis, paper white, or the simple kindle.

Let us see how you are going to restart the kindle.

  • The first thing that you need to do is to locate the power button on the bottom of the Kindle device. This is going to depend from model to model. Either you are going to slide or you need to hold the button for at least 40 seconds to turn the kindle device off.
  • You are going to know that this happened as the power light is going to go out and the screen is going to go blank. There will appear a dialog box on the screen.
  • If you see that the dialog box appears, then the on-screen prompts are going to ask you to confirm the intention in order to restart the device. After that, you need to select restart in order to complete the process.
  • You need to note that when you restart the kindle fire, you may need to press the power button again. This will turn back the device on.
  • You need to wait till you see that your device restarts and this will reload your library.
  • Then if the issue has been resolved, then you can use your kindle just like you would normally do.

If you are not able to resolve the issue, then you must follow the next step.

Reset the kindle fire:

When you see that restarting the kindle fire is not going to help you out, then you can follow the process of resetting the kindle. In order to soft reset the kindle, it is going to reboot your kindle device once more to restart. This step has been very helpful in resolving most of the Kindle paperwhite frozen screen issue.

The process of restart is going to close down the current screen of the kindle. This is going to restart the home page as well. All you are going to do is to press the power button for about 40 seconds.

Then a reboot screen is going to appear. If you see that the soft reset is not working on the kindle due to any reason whatsoever, then one other that is left is to reset the kindle back to the factory defaults.

There are some side effects of following this step as well. It is going to delete all the personal data and the settings from the kindle. You also need to have to connect the kindle to the Wi-Fi again and this will set up as the new one.

This is going to fix some of the problems and you will be able to use your Kindle again.

Most of the time these steps are going to work out but if you see that this step is not resolving the issue, then you can follow the next step.

Update the Kindle device:

There are at times when you have not updated the kindle to its latest version, then there are going to be some users who might experience the kindle frozen screen issue. This is going to increase the chances of kindle-fire frozen.

In order to see the latest version of this software, you simply need to visit the official website of kindle. What you can also do is to check the device through the settings menu. If you see that it is not updated to its latest version, then you need to update it as soon as possible.

Charge your Kindle device:

There also may be at times when there is a low battery which might result in a kindle frozen screen issue. When you see that your kindle is on low charge, then you need to connect it to the power source.

It is advised to let your Amazon kindle charge for at least about 2 minutes. After that, you can easily take further action. If you still see that your device is working, then try on the next step.

Repair the kindle device;

If you see that none of the steps mentioned above are working, then the freezing issue might be there because your kindle might have developed some hardware issues. You must know that when you purchase a new Kindle device, then it is in a one-year manufacturer warranty.

If you see that you have used this device within a year, then you need to send it back to Amazon and get a new device. If you see that it’s an old device, then you might have to look for third-party repair services. This way you can get most of the kindle issues fixed.

Whatever the case may be, the kindle repair is the last option.

Still Unable to fix Kindle Paperwhite Frozen on Lock Screen?

After following these steps if you still can not figure out why kindle paperwhite screen is frozen then please contact Amazon kindle’s supports care.

In conclusion:

These are the steps through which you will be able to get rid of all the freezing options. This way you will be able to get back to your kindle activities. What you need to remember is that the kindle is a small device. So make sure that you are not overloading it with many apps that have not been put to use in a long time.

Make sure that you keep looking for the unused apps regularly and uninstall them from time to time. If you face any issues, then get in touch with the amazon official support.

Ajay Dalal: